Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Keeping up with the grizzlies

Courtesy of Critical Proof.com  
 Why is preparing for a good education in the future is hard?

If you have just recently graduated from high school and on forth of going to a good college or still in high school, you would know the struggles with grades, colleges, clubs, homework, teachers, classmates, sports, after-school activities, etc… it just all piles up giving you stress, anxiety, and for some depression. 

For me I’m involved in band, two sports, clubs, student council, in Digital Design and Communication (DDC) pathway, and I’m also trying to stay on top of all of my honor classes. Sometimes my schedule get's a little out of hand, that running off to the hills, screaming is actually a choice.  

Sure not just me but so many other hard working students would love to get accepted by an excellent college and afterwards find a good job in the field we studied for, but why does preparing for life have to be so hard? I know not everything is handed to a person on a silver platter but is it really worth it in the long run. 

How come it takes a huge amount of time and work to get some where you want to be, yet it's so easy to fall down in the dirt and give up? Does it have to do when you finally reached your destination in life and you can look back and at all the hard work, stress and time just to say "Hard work does pay off." 

The classes and work a student must take in order to graduate is just outrageous. I also would like to say why do we take classes that won't probably help us in life? We should be learning life situation like how to have good credit, understanding how to keep up with bills, sex education where they actually talk to you about sex, how to buy a house/car or make an investment, etc... This should be the type of classes I will be willing to take instead of the classes the state is requiring me to take. 

I would like to add that not everyone wants to go to school, but I also won't accept that for those who are willing to get a good education must pay. It's simple, the kids who believe that education isn't important to them than to those who believe that it is, can go and work at places where the educate wouldn't work at. Jobs including such like picking up trash off of the streets, working on farms, cleaning houses/buildings/school/business, and so forth. Basically jobs that the educate won't be taking a second glance at. 

I've also notice that even though you still have a good education and going to great school, you wouldn't exactly get the job you're interested in. It takes baby steps for one to reach up there. For example, you would like to be a teacher, you must first go to school and get a degree, than work for small jobs like substituting to understand the fell of teacher, and from there actually being a teacher.   

To finally say, being well known with a good grades by parents, they expect us to keep up with the same grades or try to make them better. I know that if there is a C+ in my report card, my parents will be chewing my ear to make it better. Parents just need to know that today times are a lot harder compared to when they went to school. 

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